Sunday, February 6, 2011

Relationships - Getting Along with the Church Family

By Pastor Dennis Heppner
(my notes)

Ephesians 2:18-21

In Great Britain families have crests. It symbolizes their beliefs or philosophy. What is our family symbol today?

Belonging to a church family and what it means to belong to one.

A believer
- has been wonderfully blessed
- has been uniquely chosen
- has been forgiven of all their sins
- has a special mark on their life
- is God's masterpiece

As a child of God this is the basis of how we are.

Ephesians 4:3
1. Keep the unity of the Spirit.
As believers we have likes and dislikes but this cannot be applied to people... You cannot choose a brother or a preacher the way you choose your clothes.

Patience in the New Testament means patien e with people.

Make every effort... Even if you have to bite your tongue. Gentleness, kindness, self control.

God is big enough to pick you as special as the person beside you... This is not humanly comprehensible but everyone in God's household is important and special.

Even the people who are difficult for us is also God's chosen. Never criticize other Christians for whatever reason.

2. Learn to be truthful with each other in a loving way.
Eph 4:15
Speak the truth in love.
Tell the truth and make sure that your motive is that you care.
Respect the truth and still love

3. Do your part.
Eph 4:16
We are all joined and held together, growing and building in love.
If you do not do your part you will not feel that you belong.
The life is in the ministry.
You have the Holy Spirit as your breath and you have a part in the body.

4. Be very generous with forgiveness.
Eph 4:32

I forgive because at times I also wrong somebody... But in bad times we only remember others' behavior against us.

We are most critical of people who have hurt us. We usually react due to hurts that other people has caused so when somebody else does something, we react as if they initially hurt us.

Forgive each other just as in Christ God forgave you.

To live in God's house is to do what God says... We must do our part.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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