Monday, April 4, 2011

Four Things You Should Never Do

Pastor Dennis Heppner
My notes

1 Cor 10:1-13

Verse 6-11
We must learn from the example of the Israelites.

1. Never put God as a second place.
Do not be idolaters.
Idolater - worshipping idols, covetous. Desire to have more and more. Go after things.

Col 3:5
Exo 32
It's never wrong to have things, be rich. It is only wrong when we worship the riches.

Ps 106:14-15

2. Never Commit Sexual Immorality.
Numbers 25:1

3. Never test God
Numbers 14:17-18
How many times would God forgive for the same sin?
1 John 1:9 everytime you confess
However, think about Human nature... If you insist on doing the same thing on and on, you will be comfortable with t until you stop going to God asking for forgiveness.

4. Never grumble.
Numbers 21:4-5

When someone who knows God complains about life they are saying that God does not take care of them as they should. This is what God does not want.

Murmuring is based on an ingratitude about God. It is unthankfulness. It is based on unbelief.

Pay atention to these things. Don't complain. God is your best friend.

These serve as examples written down as warnings for us.

If these exists in your life. It will cause your fall. Be careful.

God is faithful. He always provides a way out in every attack of temptation.

Let Jesus be number one in your life.
Live a morally pure live even in an immoral world.
Don't push the limits with God, let Him be the love of your life. It is not good to keep on stretching it.
Be thankful with how you are and what you have.

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